ELS Europe supports deployment of best available technological solutions and processes for our Clients across the financial and non-financial sectors. Our solutions help to develop concepts for sustainable transition that are aligned with our Clients’ business model, to find and synchronise partners for implementation, facilitate stakeholder participation, design and implement data governance, as well as define and manage risks.
For non-financial Clients operating across high emitting sectors such as energy, manufacturing, transport & logistics our solutions aim to support active reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, incorporating more resource independent and circular objectives, and implementing measures to protect biodiversity, air, soil and water quality.
For our financial sector Clients, our solutions support sustainability across each financial product’s lifecycle demonstrated through robust data analysis, risk management, and transparency in line with relevant regulations and guidelines.
ELS Europe provides leadership, strategic guidance and advice on a range of cross-sectoral projects. Examples of our work:
Energy Efficiency for Shipping Industry
We completed a deep-dive analysis into energy efficiency indicators used by the shipping industry in accordance with the International Maritime Organization (IMO), Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) Resolutions. The deliverables included recommendations on the application of thresholds to indicate top CO2 emission reduction performers, to compare and contrast the application of different indicators, and the variability in real-world performance indicators versus design indicators.
Climate Positive Europe Alliance (CPEA) ESG
We work with CPEA and its member organisations, including the German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB), the Spanish Green Building Council (GBCe), the Danish Green Building Council (GBC DK), the Austrian Green Building Council (ÖGNI) and the Federation of European and Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Associations (REHVA). The CPEA share a common purpose: to collaboratively embed sustainability principles and practices within core built environment activities – ranging from planning and design, financing, construction, use and operation, and deconstruction by taking a whole life cycle view.
Apart from mobilising sector participants to adopt net-zero practices and reflecting this ambition in building certification, CPEA and its members are also working on embedding circularity principles within real estate and construction projects while also advocating a just transition. Our recently published report >‘ESG in Construction and Real Estate: Market Insights’< provides a snapshot of where different European players within the construction and real estate industry currently stand in relation to ESG strategy and maps the interlinkages and interdependencies of construction and real estate components. This practical report demonstrates what good practice implementation in construction and real estate can look like, focusing on how existing challenges can be overcome.
Investment Firm
On behalf of an investment firm with approximately €200 billion EUR AUM, we completed a technical and strategic analysis of an investee’s potential alignment with the EU Taxonomy technical screening criteria. The company was eligible as an enabling activity and ELS Europe outlined potential future strategic EU Taxonomy alignment opportunities for the company. The independent analysis facilitated the identification of strategic issues and opportunities for consideration by the investor and culminated in the delivery of a Strategic Analysis Report prepared by ELS Europe.