
Sustainability Risk Management and Innovation

Perspectives on sustainability-related risks and opportunities are unique to each organisation. ELS Europe’s risk management solutions focus on in-depth engagement with organisations exposed to environmental-, climate-, and social risks. We apply our natural sciences, engineering, policy, and finance skills to identify opportunities for risk management and transition to sustainable operations.


ELS Europe is experienced in evaluating multiple stakeholder perspectives to deliver a clear picture of integrated sustainability risks, and associated opportunities. We help our clients to implement a range of methods to manage sustainability risks on their core business objectives and to avail of opportunities that improve overall performance.


We support the development of a cohesive sustainability risk management strategy that learns from the past, responds to the present, and is forward-looking. This includes setting realistic risk management goals, implementing planned measures, monitoring progress and taking corrective actions as needed.

ELS Europe understands that many organisations operate in complex surroundings with critical resource dependencies. Sources of risk vary considerably from one organisation to the next. Our risk assessment approach is to evaluate business operations against key environmental, climate and social indicators, values at-risk, and alternatives for management. We help organisations to design a suitable risk management framework, to communicate this to key stakeholders, and to make decisions on resource

We help our clients to establish important risk management objectives and to develop operational systems and approaches to achieve their sustainability risk management goals. Broadly this involves:

Understanding the context, identifying, and describing risk.

Identifying what needs to change and preparing and implementing a change management plan.

Maintaining ongoing monitoring and review to ensure currency and continuous improvement.

ELS Europe provides leadership, strategic guidance and advice on a range of cross-sectoral projects. Examples of our work:

  • Climate Risk Scenarios
  • Insurance Europe
  • World Bank

Climate Risk Scenarios

We explored solutions for a company with real estate assets located throughout Europe to undertake climate adaptation physical and transitional risk assessments. The assessment formed part of the company’s risk management framework helping to align the company’s adaptation activities with the requirements of the EU Taxonomy and the principles of the task force on climate-related financial disclosures (TCFD), and to facilitate planning and implementation of measures.


Insurance Europe

ELS Europe assisted Insurance Europe to enhance the development of sustainable insurance solutions for prevention and remedying of environmental damage with particular emphasis on the Environmental Liability Directive and related legal instruments. Work included research on the methodologies for quantification of environmental damage with particular emphasis on the requirements of the ELD, a review of national legal instruments, evaluation of insurance products, and environmental claims. We contributed to Insurance Europe workshops and seminars and provided expert contribution to publications including:

  • ‘Navigating the Environmental Liability Directive – A practical guide for insurance underwriters
    and claims handlers,’ April 2009.
  • ‘The Environmental Liability Directive Enhancing Sustainable Insurance Solutions’, February
    2008, CEA Brussels.
  • ‘White Paper on insurability of Environmental Liability’, January 2007.

World Bank

ELS Europe provided advisory services to the World Bank assisting the central bank of a lower-middle income country in its proposed development of a national Taxonomy of sustainable activities. Our sustainable investment solutions helped to advance the understanding of the central bank’s decision makers on strategic sustainability aims and outline a methodological approach to construct a national Taxonomy. Focus topics addressed by ELS Europe included:

  • the level of granularity suited to the country’s economic profile,
  • options for sequencing and planning the construction of a national Taxonomy,
  • and regulatory approaches that may be adopted for implementation.

How can we support you?