Our aim is to be a valued and trusted strategic partner to our Clients helping to build environmental and socials stewardship, responsible governance, sound risk management and financial sustainability into systems and operations.
Stakeholders are interested in things that affect organisations and how organisations interact with their environment, how they manage risk and the consequences of their actions. Ultimately, a good strategy informs stakeholders who wish to assess how an organisation conducts its business, minds its reputation, plans its future cash flows and therefore its prospects.
We believe that a cohesive sustainability strategy learns from the past, responds to the present and looks to the future. In our view the three strategic pillars of a good sustainability strategy are: the commitment of its employees at all levels, the key performance indicators (KPI’s) relevant to its activities, and the timelines for ambitious and achievable targets.
It follows that implementation of a good sustainability strategy should adhere to important principles of:
Accurate assessment of sustainability-related impacts, risks and opportunities.
Maintain relevance to all operational segments and economic activities.
Be built on a firm understanding of what good performance means including short-term to long-term progression and achievement of targets.
Enable and maintain consistency.
Encourage and support continual improvement and innovation.
Use digital technologies that are best suited to the needs of the preparer and users.
ELS Europe’s core values drive our day-to-day operations, how we respond to Clients and the care we take in everything we do. We strive to:
Be innovative, seeking to make a positive difference using innovative systems and technologies
Support and encourage long-term perspectives
Prioritise sustainability transition to low-carbon, resource-efficient and circular economy activities that are protective of the natural environment
Be Client focused by finding solutions that respond to critical needs, to make a positive difference to our Clients’ products, services and operations
Be cost effective and competitive in our fee structure
Be objective and thorough in all we do with a focus on quality
Be committed to the professional and personal development of our staff, valuing their commitment, recognising contributions, valuing diversity and sharing mutual respect
Provide a consistent and reliable service by always acting with integrity and being professionally objective and thorough